Linn Ekos Collar Bolts


Can someone tell me or show me a photo on how the 3 screws/ bolts for Linn Ekos Collar ( to fix the collar to the arm board ) suppose to be: My screws/bolts is black in colour and on top it mark with " FKE 12.9 "

Hello Ken, they bolt on from underneath the armboad with the washers supplied. What 'table are you using the arm on?
My story is: I had purchased a good condition Linn Ekos MKII online from a seller but the seller forgot to put in the 3 bolts and teeth washer for locking the collar to armboard, so I cannot instal the arm. He sent to me a week later on the 3 bolts and teeth washers which the bolts head mark with " FKE 12.9 ". I feel a bit embarrass to ask the seller. The Ittok LVII I have with the 3 bolts for collar but no marking on top. So... are the bolts with "FKE 12.9" the original bolts for the Linn Ekos Collar?
Hello Ken, the bolts and the mounting procedure of an Ekos and Ittok are the same, regardless of markings. You may need an arm rest plug for the armboard, as the Ekos does not have a separate mount. Do you have an LP12?