Linn CLassik connections....

From what I gather...due to the unique connections on this is impossible to use other speaker cables...I gathered this from a this true?
Nordost Z-Plug will also fit, you can buy them and solder them to your wires or buy Nordost speaker cables. The Z-Plugs makes a better conection than the Deltron that Linn uses. Once in place it's very hard to remove, it's a very
tight fit. Hope this information will help you.
Jeffloistarca is right. You can buy the connectors from a Linn dealer, if I remember correctly they were about $4 each, and attach them yourself to whatever speaker cable you want. The mechanical connection is pretty straightforward. I'd recommend you not try to solder them, as well.
You can use any cables you'd like, but you do have to use their connectors. Strip off about 1/4" of insulator off the end of the cable, slide the bare wire up through one of the holes in the right-angled barrel connector, then tighten the set screw at the back of the connector with a very small screwdriver. Slide the plastic sleeve over the barrel connector and you're ready to plug into the Classik.