Linn amplifiers in Activ mode !!

Linn amplifiers in Activ mode, In the past I had a pair of Linn LK85 that I ran active with a pair of  Linn Katan speakers.

The sound of this system was very nice however the Linn Katans just left a little to be desired in the bass area

But that's been a few years ago and that sound still kind of haunts me. 

So here is my question, at the time I had a pair of B&W DM602 speakers in a spare bedroom setup,

If I would have disconnected the crossover on the B&W DM602 speakers and ran the high frequency to the likewise speaker terminal on the B&W 602 and the low frequency likewise would I have the same result? Would it work?

I am sure the bass would be much better on a speaker of this type.

Any input would be appreciated. Anyone who has really played around with Linn gear  I would like to hear from.

Just a Linn lover kind of thinking out loud.

