Line Stage Preamps that blew you away $2500 Edition

Passive, tubes, solid state, jewel encrusted moon rocks, whatever. 

tell us what line stages blew you Away in the $2500 ish price catagory.


Showing 4 responses by mrdecibel

I too do not like transformer coupled passives. I have been using the Luminous Audio Axiom passive unit ( his very top of the line ) now for 4 years or so. I was into passive years ago with products from P.S.Audio, Mod Squad, and many others. For whatever reason, I felt these lacked something. I owned 2 hi end preamps ( at the time 6K ea. at retail, 1 tube and1 ss ). I also have a few RGR preamps, Hitachi ( do not laugh ), Soundcraftsmen, Hafler, Yammi, Citation, AGI, and maybe a few others ( some modified, all heavily chassis damped ), all working great. But, no cigar. I do not hear my Luminous in the system. The internal chassis is damped with Dynamat ( every preamp / passive known to man, can use some internal damping ). I damp everything.......tuning the component is involved. My dac feeds into the Luminous,single ended, and it works out great with whatever amplifier I choose to listen to from my collection. Short, simple signal path; great parts; Khosmo system; extremely well damped; nice readout; did I mention, I do not hear it. I do not hear it. If this is what you want and if it works for you ( contact them, he impedance matches to your gear ( and can change it at a later date for a small fee ) to match to a new amp ). Highly recommended. Great people. Enjoy !

House sound qualities. If you want this, do not go with a passive design. I want to hear the source (which has it's house sound), and the amplifier(which has it's house sound ). That is enough house sound for me. I need some neutrality in the chain, and preamps always have a sound. This, based on my system specificaly. Enjoy

I do not miss tubes at all ( this is just me ). My gear is on 24 / 7, and at full volume w / o signal, not a peep out of my 104 db speakers ( no hiss, no hum ), and I am ready to go, anytime. I have plenty of gain, as I could never imagine reaching the max level from my Luminous ( this is likely due to my speakers ). Enjoy !

@gochurchgo ....Contact Tim Stinson ( the head honcho over at Luminous ), via the email address on the bottom right of his page. Give him time to get back to you, as he is very busy, along with the goings on with the holiday approaching. Tell him I ( Mrdecibel ) encouraged you to contact him. I might be his biggest fanboy ! I do not get a kickback or commission from him. I have sent to him many folks, based on my experience with my unit. Just to let you know, if you were to change gear and needed an impedance change to the Luminous, it is very reasonable with a reasonable turn around time. BTW, I had a SYS here, and it was bettered by the Luminous entry model. My best !