Line Stage Preamps that blew you away $2500 Edition

Passive, tubes, solid state, jewel encrusted moon rocks, whatever. 

tell us what line stages blew you Away in the $2500 ish price catagory.


Showing 4 responses by jackd



I own both the latest Sachs model as well as the Supratek and use them both in different systems. If I had to choose just one based on sound and flexibility it would be the Supratek. Have also owned and sold the BHK preamp and prefer both the Sachs and the Supratek to the BHK. While the BHK is certainly the most "automated" of the three it doesn't always play nice with SE amps and to my ears noisier than the other two plus being extremely picky about tubes.


I own the Supratek Chardonnay and have for two years.  At the moment they are set up in two different systems in two different house but I had them both together in the same system last year for a month.  To my ears the Supratek has more "meat on the bones" and a better ability to draw you into the music.  At the time the comparison was made they were both outfitted with the same input tubes, early 50's RCA GT's.  Just a more relaxing sound to me which may be attributed to the separate power supply or just a difference in circuit design.  Eventually, by the end of the coming year things will downsize to one system at one house at which time I plan to sell them both and buy a 6SN7 Cabernet.

Supratek gain is adjustable via a knob on top of the units. I have used mine with amps with input sensitivities from .75-2.4 volts with no issues. It will have no issues with your Odyssey amp if that is what you are still using.