Line Magnetic LM-845 Premium - How quiet is it?

I’m looking seriously at this beast to power Spatial X5. Is it pretty quiet? Any LM-845P users out there experiencing any issues with hum or other noise? With 97db speakers, even a little hum could bum, bigtime. Any other informed thoughts on this pairing are also welcome. Thanks in advance.

Showing 7 responses by wrm57

That's really good to know.

Hey, while I have you, @jlarryk , can you tell me how tall the amplifier unit is? Just the chassis with the tubes. Everywhere I look online, the amplifier unit is listed as being 460mm high. That's 18.1 inches just for the one chassis. I have a feeling this is a misprint, and tht 18.1 is for both chassis stacked. At least I hope so.  Can you confirm, please?

Thanks, @goldprintaudio.  Does "no excess noise" mean there's a baseline level of noise that I should expect? If so, how much?
Also, have the 845 Prem or 219IA you’ve sold been pretty reliable? Any caps going bad, that sort of thing?
Giving this a bump to see if anyone else will chime in. It is an awfully tempting unit. But I’ve heard tell of noise and dependability issues from a couple of owners, so I’d like to get more first-hand reports.

@neptune123, glad it worked out!

@sbank , I ended up selling the LX-380 and buying a used MQ-300 to mate with the Cornwall IV, and I love the combo. Remarkably, its 8 SET watts are more than enough in my large room. Just a great amp.

@neptune123 , thanks for the report. Sorry to hear about the hum. Your experience echoes what I’ve been reading in a number of forums, that people love the sound of LM 845 integrateds but occasionally--too often, IMO--develop issues. I hope your amp is fixed and making beautiful music again with all speed.

LM amps are still on my radar, although I recently picked up a Luxman LX-380 and think it’s terrific mated to some vintage ADS L1290/2 in my home office system. I actually bought it for Cornwall IVs that are coming this week, but it’s so good on the ADS that it might not budge!