limited outlets in wall and need for electricity


I was hoping to get advice on what to do when your amp, preamp, and cd player's owner's manual all say to plug their equipment directly into the outlet and you only have room for two of them. Is there a product that is recommended? Do you just use one of those extra outlet strips?


Showing 1 response by warrenh

Digital and analog: never the twain should meet. The only way to do this is to have each one on their own line. Have your electrician put in another line for your digital. A Juice Bar, or better yet, a killer power conditioner (you know I favor Audio Magic, but there's oodles out there) for your amp, preamp in the other outlet and you should hear some great things. Best to start with the dedicated line for your digital and a Juice Bar or the like for your analog. That just may do your tympanics fine. If not; Talk to us. peace, warren