Lightning quick DYNAMIC amp in the under $1000 range

Hi guys, slowly upgrading my system on a bang for the buck budget. Anyone know of a musical, dynamic amp for under a grand? I would prefer new, but if anyone knows of a good deal on the used market, that could work, as well.

Showing 10 responses by mzkmxcv

Just pointing out how they have nothing to hide for their well performing $100 DAC, but they won’t show all for their $700 power amp, and I see no reason as to why.  
I’m neutral on Schiit, they make some good and some bad.
The fact that Schiit posts measurements for the $100 Modi 3 but not for the Vidar and others makes me weary, like they’ll only show performance if it’s good for the price. 
$800 gets you a monoblock pair of Outlaw Model 2200 amps. 


Measurement graphs to be more clear, not chosen specs to publish. What’s the THD at 25W into 8ohm? I know the Benchmark AHB2 at 25W into 8ohm is less than 0.0002%, because Benchmark publishes the AP measurement graphs, and Stereophile’s own measurements confirm.


Emotiva also have the PA-1 monoblocks for I believe $600/pair, uses the same ICE module as in the PS Audio S300; of course the module used isn’t a 1:1 relation to performance, but I thought I’d mention it.

How am I anti a company for simply stating that they have certain products that measure worse than the competition, while also praising some of their other products for good measured performance?

Am I anti Mercedes for stating flagships from Genesis and Kia give you better bang for buck over the S-Class?

Of course it’s Schiit’s blame. They don’t hide anything for the Modi 3:

Schiit even states the Vidar specs are from measurements, yet Schiit doesn’t post them.

Sighted listening tests hold little value, especially from SBAF, where users usually have a hard-on for Schiit and denounce measurements from ASR (even banned Amir). 2D vs 3D soundstage is only dealing with channel matching/separation and phase, which the Benchmark has no issues with. Microdetail is in the rise time, the 2V 10kHz squarewave into 8ohm test that Stereophile uses shows the AHB2 rises in <5 microseconds. 

The only reasons I can see not to pick the AHB2 is if you need more wattage, ultra low impedance handling, or your music is poorly mastered and you don’t want transparent gear.

What do you think about this one
Wow, now that is odd, they show a measurement graph for Noise+Distortion, but not for any others expect frequency response, simply specs.

I would like to note that the Hypex amps I mentioned performs better; voltage is different (1W vs 5W),

but here is the Audio-GD: 


And here is the Hypex:

EDIT: Can’t link

Dont pay any mind to the noise floor (~-120dB for Audio-GD, ~-140dB for Hypex), that is just the resolution of the measurement, just pay attention to the spikes, we see the Audio-GD has spikes up to ~ -105dB (1kHz test tone not at 0dB), whereas the Hypex has spikes up to ~ -130dB. Now, while neither takes into account noise, the distortion alone is better on the Hypex, but both are so low that it’s not really a difference (unless the noise on the Audio-GD is terrible). As stated, I find it odd they don’t give a wattage vs THD graph.


In terms of transparency, all their MultiBit DACs.

Since Schiit even states their $100 DAC is their best measuring one, I wonder if they truly believe in the Yggy for instance, or if they just wanted something to appeal to those with large wallets that don’t understand how digital audio works, same with NOS vs OS, or the premise of DSD or MQA; trying to sell improvements to things that don’t need improving.

Take note I am referring to them as poor based on their measured performance for the money, as I doubt it has audible colorations/distortion/jitter.
Measurements pretty much line up with listening tests under double-blind conditions. Once you know what you are listening to, measurments are almost meaningless. If a DAC is high priced, looks expensive, and you think the brand is prestigious, that automatically gives it a boost over a cheap, plastic, Chi-Fi DAC; even if the internals are exactly the same.
@georgehifi @bstatmeister

Slew rate has nothing to do with dynamics, all it relates to is frequency range and wattage (well, voltage). If two amps have the same max wattage and frequency range, their slew rates are 100% identical.
Not always true. The Hypex NC400 is stable down to 1ohm. The ICE ASC300 (PS Audio & Emotiva) is stable down to 2.5ohm.