Light Harmonic LightSpeed USB: best USB cable under $1k?

I am upgrading my USB cable and read some good reviews on the LH Lightspeed USB cable.  Is it the best under $1k?  If so, I would consider getting it.  Anyone interested in selling theirs?  Thanks.
TheAudience is very good but not the best .the light speed may be better
the purist Audio Nordodt has the new Valhalla also
and their Heimdall-2 is very good.
There is no "best on the market" that you'll find agreement on. They're all good but are system- and preference- dependent.
I'm using the LH LS (white w/ dual head) for last 3 years. Before that was Wireworld Platinum. I've been curious about others that might outperform the LHLS by now but I'm still very pleased with it. In no hurry to replace. I believe they have a 30 day policy. 

Jay M.

Seems like Audience Au24 SE USB is now the best USB in the market.  Any comments?  Thanks.