LFD MISTRAL..and partner gear

been doing research and for dance,rock and blues i think the LFD mistral (used) is the choice...
thing is will it fit my current set up of LINN tukans(biwire) and arcam a7 cdp....
i can only afford to upgrade one componant at a time every 6 months maybe so i must buy gear that will work together for a while.
the LFD will replace my linn pretek and powertek..i have a small amount of space for gear and i only need CDP,AMP,SPEAKERS....
I used a Mistral Powerstage (power amp) with my Tukans with great success. The amp has two sets of binding posts, so biwiring was a breeze (two pairs of AP Oval 9s). Supposed to share traits with the integrated. Used a Primare HT processor as the pre, and Primare CD and tuner as sources. Was an outstanding system (sold off the Primare stuff when I downsized). I still use a pair of Mistral amps in my office system (with Vandys). Tukans still among my favorite monitor (a great starting point for a system in a small room). I've still got mine (they've outlasted B&W, Gershman and Merlin monitors....) Good luck - don't know how the Arcam will fit into the mix, but I'd guess the Tukans and Mistral would play together well...
If you think this is the amp for you, place that thought on hold and then look at speakers. Find a pair you cannot live without and then revisit the amp. Do they work together and do they give you want you want? If yes, then start buying. Do, not buy one piece hoping to move down the chain in a positive progression. Start with some synergy and focus. The move forward with a solid foundation.