Levinson vs Threshold vs Plinius vs Bry

Replacing my beloved CJ Premier 11A to power my Proac Response 2.5s with faster, deeper, tighter bass control (ie rythmic drive)without moving too far towards a dry, analytical sound. Considering the following used amps: Levinson 27.5, Threshold Stasis 200, Plinius 100, Bryston 4BST. I would really like to hear opinions of anyone with experience with these amps and especially if familiar with the Proacs. Thanks very much. Chet McHenry
It is very easy to write Bryston off as an excellent match for the 2.5's because a)It is easy to draw the (incorrect)conclusion that Bryston ST series amps lack refinement. The improvement over previous series Bryston amps is amazing. b) Our brains struggle with the concept that something that costs so little (by comarison) could sound so right. I had the CJ Premier 11a and I understand "warmth" and 'beauty" in musical reproduction. What I enjoy most is the immediacy and dynamics that I feel when attending a live performance in a small venue with good acoustics. I found the Bryston to be very dynamic and involving without sounding the least bit bright or fatiuging. Perhaps my other components are helping to smooth out some of the edginess that some recordings possess. The 2.5's are forgiving, as well as the PV12 CJ preamp, Classe cdp.5 CD and MIT cables. I agree that the big, expensive Levinson amps are unmatched in soundstage depth and width and other areas but not not in any huge way. The price difference on the other hand is amazing. My point: Bryston ST amps are too often written off as not being true "high end". Who really knows the motives behind those who are saying that. Don't be fooled. Be careful with system matching and listen for yourself but get ready to be impressed.
You might want to consider one of Randy White's new "hybrid" amps (Llano Designs--Trinity series). I've just received the 200wpc, which has a tubed "front end". So far I'm really enjoying its warm, rich, but amazingly detailed sound, and it controls the bass great as well.
I have a new Plinius SA100 MKIII and could not be happier with it, I auditioned the ML and it sounded too thin, I wouldn't put Bryston in the same league and haven't heard enough of the Threshold. Bottom line is they're all good stuff, but my choice was Plinius.
I owned the Bryston 4B ST and replaced it with a Mark Levinson 334. The Levinson surpasses the Bryston in every aspect, including having far greater current capacity even though it is 125 watts vs 250 watts for the Bryston. I compared the Levinson with the Pass Labs X350, the Arye V3 and both the Plinius SA100 MkIII and SA 50 MkII. All had certain strengths and weaknesses, overall however, the 334 beats them all (with the Plinius coming the closest).