Levinson 383 a good match for B&W 803D's

I'm considering this combo and wondering if anyone has any firsthand experience.

Other amps in consideration are Muscial Fidelity, Citation 7.1 & Classe

Anyone have a favorite amp for these speakers?
There are many better combinations (especially eliminating the 803) that will give you better sonics for less money. Consider Merlin, Proac, Coincident, Silverline, and Von Schweikert. All of these offer models that require a lot less power and offer superior sound.
Have a pair of 803d powered with a pair of classe ca m400 delta series monoblocks excellent sound top to bottom with no solid state artifacts,both speaker and amps do take awhile to break in though ,great resolution ,soundstage etc ,also a classe ca2200 200wpc stereo amp also sounds very good with the 803d..
Thanks for the advice. I found a good deal on a pre-owned CA2200 and am going to pick it up tomorrow. Gotta love it when someone buys something you want, changes their tastes and resells at a loss.

How do the 803D compare to the 803S's for imaging? I know that they probably can't compare in the bass but how much difference does that diamond tweeter make? My dealer will let me upgrade from an 803 to 803D anytime w/i the first six months at full credit so I might do this to save some $$$ up front.
I heard ML gear with the 803 Ds last weekend and was blown away-do not remember the model #s but I can tell you that the amp, pre-amp, cd player combo was about 14K. There were a pair of Wilson Sophias hooked up in the room next door with Halcro electronics and some other very high end gear and the B&W ML combo was much better sounding to my ears and literally 1/4 the cost.

The Wilson combo seemed overly bright and while Wilson's are known to be very neutral and detailed, I actually heard more detail out of the B&Ws.
Found out that the Halcros do not match well with the Wilsons...Just bought a pair of Sophias...Heard them with ML, McIntosh, Naim and all sounded fantastic