Let the Games Begin


Showing 2 responses by chayro

This is nothing new. There were studies years ago showing no difference in audio quality between CD and hi rez. Like many other parts of audio, some agree and some do not. Personally, I had a few good SACD players and never found the sound superior to redbook, but that’s just my experience. I don’t think the CD v DSD battle ever rose to the level of the CD v Vinyl arguments, which still rage on. 

Hearing is so weird. When I was working in the studios, I had the chance to work with one of the first Sony digital multitrack machines. I think it was 1” tape. We were all amazed that the playback off the tape was identical to the recording sound and we all pronounced it to be “better “. Later down the road many of us decided we liked the sound of analog multitrack with its added noise and compression. Go figure .