Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?

Showing 13 responses by willemj

No but you keeep insisting that normal science does not apply, and you keep coming up with scientific nonsense. It is a bit like Russia’s continuing online campaign of falsehoods, aimed at undermining people’s confidence in facts. It obscures the divide between facts and ’alternative facts’ and thus creates a breeding ground for delusions.
No. This is a scam. Think of what is between the wall socket and the generator plant.
If you think you are a candidate for the Nobel Prize in physics, let alone for two like Richard Feynman, go and publish your great insights in Science or Nature.
Why does Audiogon not employ fact checkers? Not that I expect much, given the current culture of aversion to facts or expert opinion in the US.
The rules of the game are quite simple: you have a new idea that you want to be viewed as scientifically true? Publish it a respected journal (Science or Nature if it is really a great idea), with all the measurement data, and a theoretical explanation. If you think you can make money from the discovery, apply for a patent.
This was not about politics but about culture. And I do like the States, and spend a lot of time there. America’s top research universities and research institutes are a haven for innovative research and academic freedom. But there is a counter current of disrespect for scientific facts and expertise, and I observe it here too.
Those are the rules of science, and to be honest, it is not because of funding, but because we really want to get at the truth (we are pretty tough on each other, and that is a great benefit to society). If you want to set up your voodoo church here, go ahead. It is a free country, but do not expect to be taken remotely seriously.
All the more so, since these snake oil products somehow have to cost a small fortune. In the UK a cable seller was recently convicted of consumer fraud.
That’s it for me, I have nothing more to add.
I am busy right now but I shall try to dig up the details. What it amounts to is that the law in most EU countries in one way or another does not allow deception in sales. Here was a chain of audio stores that claimed that the cables they were selling were sonically superior. So the UK Consumer Protection Agency (I think it was them) took the stores to court because they could not prove that claim. I think expert witnesses were also called in.
Other groups could have done the same, like consumer organizations (they often do) or consumer tv programs that name and shame.
The store had to withdraw its claim, and without that claim there was little point in selling such expensive cables. Unfortunately this does not mean that things like this will not happen again, and many cases may remain under the radar, but it does mean that sellers have to be very careful with what they claim.
James, I have been following your thread on interference, and I am sorry that I have been unable to think of a good explanation. You have not yet established that the interference is picked up by your power cord (let alone that another cord would make a difference).
Geoff when will you ever stop peddling this nonsense and waste our time? You are not stupid so you must know this is nonsense.