Let's talk about Silver...

We got off on a short tangent in another discussion about the merits of silver in cables, but we did not want to derail that conversation. So I thought I would start a general discussion where folks can share their experiences, and opinions of course, with silver cables. This can include solid silver, silver plated or alloys, wire, connectors, analog, digital etc.

The knee jerk reaction in the audio world is to say that silver is bright, and in some cases that may be true, but I think it is not a universal truth. I am currently trialing some solid silver interconnects, and I have had some good success with silver in the digital realm. Please share your experience, and opinions of course.



Showing 1 response by grannyring

Silver on AC plugs always sounded a tad thin and tipped up. Silver hook up wire in my builds always sounded a tad thin with less body than I care for and very detailed. Silver in my cable builds …. the same result. Always.

Expensive silver cables from other manufacturers can sound smooth, silky and nicely detailed. However, they still lacked the body, weight and meatiness of great copper. I suspect this is a subjective reality for me. Not something that is true always for all listeners. Welcome to the world of audio🙂.

As far as digital goes I find silver even more reflective of my above statements. This has been my experience in dacs and with USB cables. Again, I think this is absolutely subjective and a sensitivity I happen to have. This is not truth for all.