Let's share secrets of Lamm 6C33C tubes

Lamm owners please share your experience on the 6C33C tubes in relation to the V1 and V2 positions.

I know the Lamm is very specific with their factory tubes as to which tubes goes where but I guess many owners would have brought from other suppliers and did the matching themselves.
I found that nearly all tubes work on the V1 position but not on V2. Now, I brought tubes from The Tube Stores and they marked them with range between(18 - 39)! I wonder what would be the best combination? Anyone knows the secrets?

Showing 1 response by atmasphere

Jedinite24, and everyone else here:

One way to reduce arcing on otherwise new tubes is to light up the filaments of the tube without applying B+ to it. Leave it in this state for at least 4 days and nights.

This process is called preconditioning and should be done with any new power tube that has not been used before (if it has been used, preconditioning will not do any good).

**Preconditioning will double the life of any power tube.**

It will also substantially reduce arcing failure that otherwise occurs shortly after installation, due to the tube being unhappy about being shipped. You can see that this is a big deal. I may be giving away a little secret here; this may be why the more expensive tubes seem to hold up better. (It appears that the process of preconditioning uses the filament heat to cure the cathode coating, which otherwise can flake off the cathode fairly easily which is the cause of arcing failure.)

If your amplifier does not have a Standby function (Standby on most tube amps is where the filaments are lit up but the B+ power supply is not running), this might be difficult to pull off. But setting up almost any power amplifier with a Standby switch is a fairly simple matter, although one that should only be done by a qualified technician.