Let go of the music

When auditioning box speakers I find myself paying attention to how the speakers release the music. Every cabinet has a point where the music flows. The point right before that is sometimes vibration, as in a box, like a guitar, or my favorite lately flow from a very inert cabinet, like a solid monitor. I’m enjoying the imaging and presentation of this inert approach in pinpoint imaging, but have come to appreciate them all.Can anyone expand this position on cabinet design that in essence forms the image, or wall of sound? I know the room and electronics cables etc play a role but the speaker is the strongest factor in sound reproduction. I don’t care if you think one is right or wrong so no need to take over my living room. Boxless crowd welcome. 

Showing 1 response by james633

I think the wall of sound has a lot to do with room reflections sometimes. It would be interesting to see if you get the same wall of sound if the speakers we setup outside vs inside. I just a guess.

 This would also make it volume dependent as the secondary reflections gain amplitude or it could just be the threshold of human hearing and perceived loudness but I have experience the same thing as speakers get louder the wall of sound increases. 
I don’t get it with headphone really ever. 
I am very sensitive to noisy boxes. Some people hate bright tweeters or boom bass. Noisy boxes are my pet peeve. I feel like it really messes up the sound.