Let go of the music

When auditioning box speakers I find myself paying attention to how the speakers release the music. Every cabinet has a point where the music flows. The point right before that is sometimes vibration, as in a box, like a guitar, or my favorite lately flow from a very inert cabinet, like a solid monitor. I’m enjoying the imaging and presentation of this inert approach in pinpoint imaging, but have come to appreciate them all.Can anyone expand this position on cabinet design that in essence forms the image, or wall of sound? I know the room and electronics cables etc play a role but the speaker is the strongest factor in sound reproduction. I don’t care if you think one is right or wrong so no need to take over my living room. Boxless crowd welcome. 

Showing 4 responses by bjesien

Haha, True- I’m a big proponent of clean power, if it matters in the system. Imo it matters less in a more resonant speaker design.
@sounds_real_audio It's not easy to get across, but after listening to a speaker we should be able to predict what level of bracing it has on the inside. Typically cheaper speakers put less bracing and less thought into them.  On the other hand many use box resonance as part of their house sound.  I like both but my preference seems to lean towards more dampening- less box vibration.   
@phusis Are you saying that the enclosure has less to do with the dispersion pattern?  I hesitate to name a few speakers because people get all fired up, but an example of a very inert speaker that images really well would be a Wilson, or a Vandersteen 5A. The presentation of this speaker is very different from a Harbeth.  Again, not saying one is better or worse, just different design intentions and end products. 
@sounds_real_audio I think we are on the same page.  I must say the word "releasing" might not be the best term, but it is what happens directly before the image is created. Broadcasting can be another word, but in my mind would include the box resonance in this case. I realize this might be getting caught up in semantics, and all boxes have resonance, but for me it can hold value in determining the presentation of different kinds of speakers.