lessloss blackbody

I have a couple of lessloss power cords and they are pretty good, but what is this blackbody, has anyone tried it. I love tweaks but even to me this seems a little crazy, what are your thoughts

Showing 4 responses by mingles

It looks like an electronic version of Brilliant Pebbles. If anyone has first-hand knowledge of this thing, please share.
Cwlondon, good eye. I just went through the posts and verified what you point out. The writing looks similar too. If it's the same person, using the same computer, Audiogon would see the same IP address for 6 or more members. Maybe they don't have time to police the forums on that level. Then again, the company behind the product advertises on this site, so maybe they don't care.
A similar phenomena happened a year ago in this forum:


An interesting comment was made by someone in that thread:
07-31-09: Jp1208
So what or who made those 6 individuals all of the sudden join Agon and post on this one thread? They all just stumbled on to it and decided to join at the same time? That is a huge red flag to me.
Lessloss does not deserve the bashing above.
Toymanmark, I don't believe anyone is bashing Lessloss here. The only thing that happened is Cwlondon noticed 7 new members came out of the woodwork to give testimony to this product. They have no prior history on Audiogon and/or they've only commented on Lessloss products. I noticed the same thing happened last year. I wouldn't call that bashing. I'd call it observation.