Less than top line reel-to-reel worth it?

My inner audio geek (expensive bastard, him) has been aroused by the recent resurgence of top of the line reel-to-reel deck re-fabrication units like United Home Audio's decks, and new (almost) master tapes becoming available from the likes of The Tape Project. Problem is I can not buy a $10k deck and $500 tapes, and simultaneously enjoy the benefits of matrimony. Consequently, I have been looking at much more affordable refabricated decks ($1000 - $2000 range) and used stereo 4-track 3 3/4 and 7 1/2 ips tapes.

I believe the expensive stuff can deliver with 2-tracks per 1/4 inch tape and 15 IPS, but should I expect 'better' sound than I can get from my Wadia CD Player, and J. A. Michelle turntable from the more affordable 4-track (two in each direction) slower speed stuff; or would this just be a trip down nostalgia lane?
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Showing 3 responses by mitch4t

I had a lowly Dokorder reel-to-reel machine back in the mid-'70's and I thought it was the Holy Grail of audio...played through my Sansui 771 reciever. I've never heard a pre-recorded open reel tape. The only recordings I've ever heard on a reel-to-reel machine has been recordings made from LP's. And to me they sounded at least as good as the LP, if not better.
Back in the late 70's, I used TDK Audua and Maxell tape.

Has tape gotten any better since then? Since everything is all digital, I'm not sure it's worth the time for mfgs to improve on reel tape because the market is so small.