Less filling - great taste?

Any suggestions for speakers that are disgustingly small or smaller(less filling) but also sound and look good (great taste)? Some of the speakers I am thinking of are: Energy RC-Mini, NHT Absolute Zero, Totem Mite.

Does anyone have experience with any of these models?

Other suggestions in brands/models?

Thanks, TJ
Monitor Audio Radius series, the R90 and R180, are small speakers made primarily for wall mounting in a home theatre set up. They come in a wood veneer or lacquer finish and are gorgeous. You have to see them live because brochure pictures don't do them justice.
Try the Ohm Micro Walsh or their Towers of Power. I own a pair of 100's MKIII and love them.

I would add Devore Fidelity Gibbon 3 to your list. A tiny speaker that doesn't sound small.
Had my first listen to Totem Arros and must say I was mighty impressed for the size of the diminutive floor stander.

Maybe not the bookshelf you are looking for but a small speaker that has a lot going for it.
Hi TJ, Go to av123.com and check out the x-ls monitors.I believe $219 a pr new or 179 or so b-stock