length of interconnects for passive preamp

I understand that when using a passive preamp short interconnects are recommended. I have two questions before I purchase them: Does that short length requirement apply to both the ic between the source and passive as well as the passive and the amp? And regarding the length itself, is the shortest always best? I see that some companies offer a 1 foot or even 6" length - which I could use, although it would require some serious rearranging of my equipment; but will those very short lengths provide a noticeable improvement over a 1.5 meter or 2 foot ic? Not sure if there is a rule of thumb. Many thanks!

Showing 1 response by maplegrovemusic

I have been running 25' of Mogami Gold balanced cables from my dac to a passive volume pot. Another 25' of Mogami to my amp for years without problem. Had a Lightspeed Attenuator at one time and longer runs I couldn't get hi volume from that though . Must be system dependent.