Legal Opinions Needed

Saw this article about an upcoming case for the Supreme Court. Will this impact audiophiles? Audiogon? Life as we know it?

Showing 2 responses by nonoise

Trust me when I say this: company bean counters are furiously working their digits to the bone to see if it's worth it to extend this ruling to everything from medicine (ex: drug importation from Canada for seniors) to CDs, DVDs, and it wouldn't be a stretch for them to apply many a strawman argument just to get it on docket with a corporate friendly Supreme Court.

I fully understand defending domestic markets over that of foreign (THE most overlooked, basic tenet of Smith's view of capitalism) but this is merely the opening of Pandoras Box.

All the best,
One doesn't have to be a Tea Bag Gov. conspiracy theorist to see what this highest of courts did in 'Citizens United'. All they need is an opening. I'll let recent history (Santa Clara), let alone what Jefferson's cousin did when the Supreme Court first interfered with the law, speak for itself.

All the best,