Left channel much louder than right?

Hello, I recently got a vpi scout turntable. along with it is of course the jmw9 arm and i have a dynavector xx2 cart. I find that for some reason the left channel is much louder than the right. I know that it is not a tube or interconnect problem. Any ideas?

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If the azimuth of the cartridge is off this can happen too. Basically what I mean is that the cartridge is not sitting perfectly perpendicular to the LP, it's tilted to one side or the other.

I'm not familiar at with the JMW9 arm - but I'm sure there's a way to adjust it. I'm sure someone out there will chime in with the necessary instructions and to correct me on correct terminology for this setting - I just can't recall what it is other than to call it the azimuth setting.