LED turntable lamps/lights

So I’ve got a Clearaudio Innovation Master turntable - beautiful machine - with the lower platter being a very thick chunk (2.5" - 3") of translucent acrylic. I’ve seen beautiful pics of folks back-lighting acrylic platters with color LEDs, but I’m not sure yet where to find the proper lightning accessories for this. Do I get a very small goose-neck LED lamp and point it behind the platter? Is there a good shop for these kind of lamps that can point into the right height range (4-5 inches)? Any recommended lamps? I’d prefer to not just start buying, and throwing away ones that turn out sub-optimal.

I like blue best - do I find a blue LED lamp, or get a white LED and add a blue gel filter? Any help here appreciated - I am lost! My girlfriend and I listen a lot in the dark, so an occasional light show could add some nice value.

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