LED dimmable lights in audio room?

I am getting ready to redo my audio room/home office.

I am going to redo the ceiling tiles in here and want to wire up some dimmable LED lights (the "can"-type ones).

I would also like to put them on a dimmer. 

Any electromagnetic interference/distortion/static types of issues that you could foresee doing that?

Just wondered if anyone has done this before.

Thanks in advance.


Showing 2 responses by mijostyn

Carolkong, no problem at all. I use dimmable LED strip lighting in my hi fi cabinet. You can see it on my system page. 
@ghdprentice, I do all my serious listening with the lights out. Visual distractions interfere with the image. However, It is hard to change records with the lights out. With LEDs you can put the light where you need it and avoid lighting up the whole room. The switch for the lights in my cabinet is right next to the turntable. The power supply for the lights is mounted behind the cabinet and does not cause any problems.