Leaving my amplifier on ok?

Would it be ok to leave my amplifier on all the time if I want to extend the reliability of the amp? Many amplifiers ar Class A, high current bias and tubes might be a problem if energy consumption is a factor. Not to mention Excessive heat from bias operation. Is it possible to extend the life of the amp with leaving it on all the time?

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Showing 1 response by dynamiclinearity

In general for tube amps it's better to turn them off. With one exception that I know. David Berning's amps. David designs for long life, very, very long life in total contrast to almost every other tube designer. I know from a friend who was there that David's first amp , the Audionics BA150, would last almost forever. The prototype was turned on in 1972 and turned off in 1977 and there was no measurable wear on the output tubes.