Leaving my amplifier on ok?

Would it be ok to leave my amplifier on all the time if I want to extend the reliability of the amp? Many amplifiers ar Class A, high current bias and tubes might be a problem if energy consumption is a factor. Not to mention Excessive heat from bias operation. Is it possible to extend the life of the amp with leaving it on all the time?

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Showing 1 response by cakyol

1) Valve amps should not be left on since the life dependancy of the tubes
is affected.

2) Class A amps should not be left on due to the wasted energy and heat
that they generate.

3) The rest depends on whether your amp has an inrush current limiter or not.
- If it does (your lights do NOT dim when you switch it on), then turning it
off would be ok.
- If it does NOT however (your lights DO dim when you switch it on) the
amp should be left ON all the time since considerable stress occurs at power up.