Least expensive plug-in power conditioner that works

I am currently using a Shunyata Venom defender on my main system with good results.  I’d like to put a similar device on the power to my Internet modem that’s in a separate room.  I notice that there a lot more choices in this product category now.  Does anyone have any recommendations that are cost effective and make a difference in performance?

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@pennfootball71 +1

That was my starting place as my main system is in a purpose built room with a dedicated 20amp circuit breaker and 10 AWG power supply line.  For years I followed the logic that connecting my AVR directly to the wall would provide the best performance.  I recently connected it to the strip with the Venom Defender that supported all my other gear and that made a very significant positive improvement in the overall sound of my system.  Why I am interested in competing products that might work better, and given I want to try placing them with my modem in another room and my TV in the same room but served but a different outlet.

Bottom line, the Defender is a solid product, just wondering if there are similar products that might work better.


Hi, I went through this with my system.  Look at the specs. It's quiet right?

So, first I bought DX Engineering EMI RFI filters for the ethernet line.  One on each end $50.  I bought these as a trial to prove to myself that this conditioning stuff works.  Then I would buy something more audiophile.  About the same time, I got a new modem, still coax but a linear power supply.  The speakers sounded better.  The I bought a Furman Elite 15i.   Plugged all my equipment into it.  Around the house I plugged all the chargers, dimmers, etc into a furman ss6b.  I have 3 of those.  I have less than $500 invested.  I am a firm believer the better you keep noise out of your streaming system.  The sound is much better: Details, 3d and wide soundstage, bass i never knew could be so good, much more natural sounding.

This deal seems hard to beat: https://www.markertek.com/product/fur-p8proc/furman-p-8-pro-c-power-conditioner-20-amp