LCR phono stages we know about

Lately, I have become enthralled with LCR phono stages, based on some personal listening experiences and on the fact that many designers I respect are involved in LCR phono design. However, I don't really feel that I have a complete picture re what's out there in terms of commercial products. If you own or have heard an LCR phono stage and have an opinion, please name the product and feel free to render an opinion of it, compared to other phono stages of any type with which you are familiar. Thanks.
For long time I searched for a LCR for a good price. I am using now the Ampearl RE-2030 LCR from Andrey Kuchik( A very good one, same league as my Nagra VPS. Is my second one. One is build with EC86 and E180F, the other one with 6F12P. The 6F12P sounds a little bit warmer. Both have a tube power supply. Both are MM versions with about 45db gain. No hum, no hiss. I have more hiss with the Nagra VPS. For 700 Euros a bargain.
Thanks for your inputs, Jarrett, engine, and Indie.  Sometime after my last post in 2016, I bought a Manley Steelhead.  It suits my particular needs for (1) multiple phono inputs, (2) MM and MC gain capability, and (3) LCR.  It's LCR through the MM gain stage and uses autoformers to add gain for the MC inputs, so far as I can tell.  Manley are fairly secretive about this circuit, but I got some info from an interview that Evanna Manley gave to 6 Moons Audio, where she described the output stage.  From her description, I was able to tweak the output a bit which has made a positive improvement.  Thomas Mayer seems to make some great stuff, and I envy you, Jarrett.  Indie, what the heck is a 6F12P tube? Is that a Russian designation where maybe some of the letters are moved over from that cyrillic alphabet?
I still have curiosity for the BMC MCCI and for the 47 Labs 4712, which has the lowest input impedance of any I know about, nearly zero.  I'd have to have one in my own system, at this point.  Talk only goes so far.
I have the T.Mayer octal pre with phono. Also a great phono. But the Ampearl 2030 is equal for tenth part of the price.. The 6F12P is this one: 6Ф12П , a triode-pentode.
I have to apologize. The two phono stagas I mentioned, the BMC MCCI, and the 47 labs, are both current driven phono stages, which is an entirely different subject, but I do have interest in that mode of operation for low output moving coil cartridges. However I don’t think either of those is LCR type.
So I guessed correctly, that the 6F12P is in fact a Russian tube designation with Cyrillic converted into English.
@indieroehre thanks for the lead on the Ampearl RE2030. I pulled the trigger on one. However, I see that it's the RE1030 that uses the 6F12P, the RE2030 uses 6S3P and 6J9P in the phono circuit. Andre was nice enough to through in a spare set of tubes as well with the purchase.