LCD TV - Are they reliable ?

Should I get the extend warranty ?

I heard that most of the major brands will have problem within 3 years ! Is it true ?

I'm want to buy the latest Sharp(top model) or Samsung(series 7) LCD TV(52in.). Which one is better in picture quality ? Which one is more reliable ?

Showing 1 response by ponnie

I have a Panasonic 50" LCD Projection TV. My bulb was replaced last October and the Light is on again. Panasonic will not replace until it blows. But I still have the warranty until October. Panasonic has had a class action suit filed against them for the early and constant failure of the lamps. I say stay away from projection TV's. The lamps cost $300 each time and they blow about once a year or so. On the other hand I have friends that have Plasma Televsions up to 73" and two of them have failed a little over a year after purchase. All were purchased brand new. All had purchased extended warranties but one friend was without his Plasma set for nearly 6 months while they tried to repair it so they simply replaced it.

I will replace my LCD Projection TV with a Plasma simply because the prices have gone down so much and the quality seems to have gone up. And I don't have to worry about replacing those bulbs. I have another LCD and plasma televisions but they are both new. No problems yet.

I say semi reliable.