LCD TV - Are they reliable ?

Should I get the extend warranty ?

I heard that most of the major brands will have problem within 3 years ! Is it true ?

I'm want to buy the latest Sharp(top model) or Samsung(series 7) LCD TV(52in.). Which one is better in picture quality ? Which one is more reliable ?

Showing 1 response by cruz123

The studies I have read to date have indicated that LCD and Plasma flat panels have proven to be just as reliable as tubed tv's. That having been said, I did buy a extended warranty with my Samsung LCD just because the technology was still relatively new and I didn't know how much to trust the Samsung brand. Also, I got a good deal on it ($150 for three years). Extended warranties are pure profit for the retail chains so try to negoitiate them down from the quoted price. FYI, I have had my LCD for just over a year and have not had any issues at all. I've never regretted the purchase, it's a GREAT tv. As others have said, stay away from projection/DLP.