Lazarus hybrid amps...anyone hear them?

I saw one at the audio shop and was quite impressed by the layout and quality....I will listen to it soon, but I was wondering if anyone heard one?

Showing 2 responses by fiddler

I own a Lazarus Mk II 200w hybrid amp.

To this day, I believe it is a great amp. The only reason I am not currently listening to it is that I screwed it up trying to do some simple mods to it. It was my first foray into modding anything. I tried changing the output wiring to solid silver, replacing the RCA's with better ones and installing an IEC to replace the captive power cord. I loved this amp! But unfortunately it is toast.

I am currently using a modified HCA-2 (this time I got the mods right after the appropriate amount of research and reading) which I think is better in every respect, save one. Being a hybrid amp with tubes (6dj8's), the Lazarus had a deeper soundstage. Other than that I believe the HCA-2 is superior. However, I have upgraded so many things since the Lazarus it would be interesting to hear how it would compare today with the same components and tweaks.

One caveat, there is no factory service or schematics available.
Jsujo, which Lazarus is it?

Mine was the MK II hybrid, 200 wpc (unbridged), tons of bass slam (with the appropriate tubes of course). Amperex Orange Globes were great, Mullards were warmer, but the bass was also a little sloppy with the Mullards.

If you can get them at the right price then they will probably suit you well depending on the model. I have not heard the 50 wpc so my comments about the Lazarus have to be taken in context as to which Lazarus you are looking at.