Sounds good to me. You still posess the goods, and he is giving you money. He has a much better chance of being screwed on this deal than you do. Plus, you are helping out a fellow 'phile.
Lay away purchase
Got an interesting question from a member (on another well known auction site) that I've never seen before. This person has 100% good feedback there and more buying than selling.
"...if i could make payments to you on this, there's just no way I could aford this all at once. if for any reason I had to back out , I would forfit all money paid to date and you keep the machine, I've never let any one down yet and I buy this way a lot. I could pay as much as 250.00 a month"
It would take 7-8 months to be paid up. I don't mind the wait but not sure how to go about it and if there could be any repercussions to me.
"...if i could make payments to you on this, there's just no way I could aford this all at once. if for any reason I had to back out , I would forfit all money paid to date and you keep the machine, I've never let any one down yet and I buy this way a lot. I could pay as much as 250.00 a month"
It would take 7-8 months to be paid up. I don't mind the wait but not sure how to go about it and if there could be any repercussions to me.