Law Of Diminishing Returns?

I'm curious about what you enthusiasts think of the product or price that eclipses your definition of "value".  

As an example I have a rich buddy that just spent 100K upgrading his (former) Pass 600s / Bryston / B&W Signature 800s / JL Fathom 8 speaker  system. I have a discerning ear and cannot hear the difference between the old system and his new S5M Perlistons (4) , Anthem AVN90, ,ATI amp AT6005 (4) and four subs.

This got me to thinking- 80% more money for maybe 20% more sound quality? 

Where is the sweet spot for the discerning ear and the affluent but not Billionaire (think Doctor/Lawyer/Indian Chief) budget?  Can you get 80% HiFi sound for 20K or do you need to spend 100K to get that HiFi sound?

-Asking for a friend :)

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Showing 1 response by audioman58

If you hav3 the $$ there are audio systems that are substantially better say between. $50k and a $100 k. Rule of thumb on average ,  having owned a Audio store I know very well what’s under the hood and quality.

25% of a product including packaging is what goes into most products between R&D  packaging and markup, this is where $$ comes into play ,the parts quality is a substantial magnitude of better quality and that’s where the sonics become much more refined. Detailed and realism , knowing and matching system electronics for system synergies is equally important ,that’s why you see likeDCS  digital creating statement $100 k digital setups if you can afford it go for it .I personally used to own $100 k + retail systems getting 50%+ off why not , I am now semi retired and I feel for $50k minus discounts is plenty good enough. As a Audiophile you are never done purchasing .