Latest Sam Phillips CD outstanding

I'm not skilled enough to write a review or her latest release "A Boot and a Shoe", but all I know is it sounds great. I heard a cut on a local radio station and picked-up the CD yesterday. Her husband T Bone Burnett produced it and did a great job recording it. Musically it's well arranged with some heavy bass, a little piano and some string arrangements sprinkled in. It really has a nice feeling to it. I'm new to her work and now I'm a fan.
Yes, I also just picked up the new CD and it is excellent. Sonics are good, voice is very clear and pure. I would recommend it.
I've been a fan of hers for years. I agree w/Marco that Martinis & Bikinis is excellent. Other great releases of hers include "The Indescribable Wow" & "Cruel Inventions". The Turning and Fan Dance aren't up to the standard of the others IMHO. A very underrated artist! Cheers,

Just recently joined my friend and fellow A'goner, Peter_S to see her perform at a very intimate venue here in Seattle. I've been a fan since someone introduced me to her album, "Martinis and Bikinis" years ago, which would also be a good album to get. She put on a great show and is very creative with her performance, and quite charming, in a kind of quiet and shy sort of way, on stage. If you get a chance to see her perform, go for it. Thanks to Peter who invited me to join him there at a time when I have been a social hermit (we've been renovating our home). Funny you mention the bass as both Peter and I thought the bass was overamped at the show. Peter actually told the sound mixing guy who came out, listened, and adjusted it accordingly. Didn't I say it was a small venue!
