Latest Psvane WE300B-Plus Tubes - Any Feedback?

Hey tube heads, any sound quality feedback, comments, or comparisons on the newest version of the Psvane's WE300B, known as the WE300B Plus? I think it came out in fall, but I can't seem to find any reviews or anything on these newer tubes.

I would love to know how they compare sonically to their Psvane WE300B standard version, or the EML 300b-XLS, or the Sophia Carbon Princess tubes, or any other higher level 300b out there (Elrog, true WE, Tak, etc.).


Showing 1 response by stereolab42

I ordered a pair of the Plus's. I love the sound of the Sophia RP but the reliability is garbage... my umpteenth pair has just gone kaput and I am done. Am using EML Meshes as backup, they sound excellent but are a little too dark for my tastes.