Latest Psvane WE300B-Plus Tubes - Any Feedback?

Hey tube heads, any sound quality feedback, comments, or comparisons on the newest version of the Psvane's WE300B, known as the WE300B Plus? I think it came out in fall, but I can't seem to find any reviews or anything on these newer tubes.

I would love to know how they compare sonically to their Psvane WE300B standard version, or the EML 300b-XLS, or the Sophia Carbon Princess tubes, or any other higher level 300b out there (Elrog, true WE, Tak, etc.).


Showing 1 response by shkong78

+1 to ccowan3599

I had been using Acme 300B for 10 months with satisfaction.

Since I have a vintage WE300B made in 1940’s, I had done comparison between them.

My conclusion is vintage WE300B has slightly more tight bass and wider soundstage but the difference is not big.

Acme 300B sounds slightly sweeter than vintage WE300B
