Latest Psvane WE300B-Plus Tubes - Any Feedback?

Hey tube heads, any sound quality feedback, comments, or comparisons on the newest version of the Psvane's WE300B, known as the WE300B Plus? I think it came out in fall, but I can't seem to find any reviews or anything on these newer tubes.

I would love to know how they compare sonically to their Psvane WE300B standard version, or the EML 300b-XLS, or the Sophia Carbon Princess tubes, or any other higher level 300b out there (Elrog, true WE, Tak, etc.).


Showing 1 response by 1markr

Since there is no feedback out there on the WE300b-Plus tubes, how about something on the latest Psvane tubes that just came out in the fall: the Psvane ACME Supreme series 300B vacuum tube?

Here’s a snippet from Grant Fidelity’s website:
"ACME Supreme 300B vs. Western Electric 300B (1998 production): “Clarity and transparency are stunningly better on the Supreme series, you can almost touch the singer in the sound stage. Scarily live! For mid range that Western Electric 300B has always been lusted for, ACME Supreme 300B doesn’t lack of any texture, fullness, richness, and tonality. Audiophiles say that ACME wins hands down on depth and width of sound stage comparing to Western Electric 300B (1998 production)! It is of all the classic vintage sound signature – the absolute analog sound! “

Anyone out there have any listening impressions of these new 300bs? Please share!

... And we are still waiting for the release of the new Western Electric 300b tubes from the Rossville, GA factory; looks like they are getting closer...

I am currently enjoying the Psvane WE300b or the EML 300b-xls tubes in my SET amps depending on my mood.