Latest comments on PS Audio PP?

Last Fall it received lots of discussion, but there hasn't been much said lately about the PS Audio Powe Plant. Now that it's been in use for awhile what do owners think? Same thing for the Multiwave option, too. Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by mes

FYI, I was told that the transformer boards on the P300 had a batch(s) with reversed wires on the transformer board which resulted in a switch between the neutral and line(hot) and subsequently out of phase with increased AC polarity. I checked this and low and behold, on my unit it was true. I popped the bottom, switched the neutral and line, and VOILA, no more boomy bass, better imaging and soundstaging, etc. I thought this was BS. I stand corrected, phase is important. Those of you with P300's may want to check, it made a not so subtle difference in my system.
Sorry, that should read increased AC potential, not polarity. As Bones said to Kirk," damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a magician." And I'm not an electronics whiz, obviously, but I can hear, and the above is true.