Last stylus preservative...anyone still use it?

I still use the Last Stylus preservative...and I think it well could be the reason that my long in the tooth Benz Ruby 2 is still making beautiful music.....20 years down the road! 
Anyone else like and use Last..or another similar product, like Lyra SPT?

Showing 2 responses by daveyf

testpilot, I’m talking about the Stylast..or the Lyra SPT; not about the Last stylus cleaner ( although I use this too). The cleaner is pretty good, but IMHO the Onzow is better.
mr_m, this is such an odd situation......not that we are not believing you, but so many of us have used Stylast for years/decades and had no such problem. Yet, there are similar reports such as yours all over the web??
Personally, I now use Onzow followed by the Stylast and am pretty sure that the Stylast ( which I have used for more than two decades) is a big factor in the continued life of my cartridge. OTOH, my single swipe of the applicator brush doesn’t immerse the tip of the cantilever and the stylus in enough fluid to coat the whole affair...far from it. I would therefore question if you applied far too much of the liquid??? Plus, you were applying the brush just once from back to front of the stylus and only at the tip?? related in the Stylast instructions.