LAST record preservative

I have noticed a slight reduction in highs after applying LAST record preservative. However, if I use Disc Doctor record cleaner after applying LAST preservative the highes seem to return to normal. Does the preservation effect if LAST still work if I use the Disc Doctor solution after the LAST solution has totally dried? I listen to my LP's daily and don't want them to wear out too fast if possible! All of my LP's are cleaned on a VPI 16.5 with Disc Doctor Miracle wash prior to play back or treatment with LAST preservative. Thanks for any advice, or feedback!

Showing 3 responses by dan_ed

Rick, I have noticed this also and so I will not use any LAST products. I also won't spend any time discussing this because it always ends up badly. To each his own.
I have no doubt that the compound does what is claimed as far as chemical bonding, etc. I don't have any doubt as to what the results sound like. Muffled. That may sound like graininess and noise being removed to some, and to some extent it is. But to my ears nuances and decays are not as extended. A bell still sounds clear, but the ring decay is much shorter.
"Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in." :-)

I fully believe that LAST was developed to make all of those mid-if/low-fi 'tables "sound better" back in the day. Less scratchy, less surface noise. Yeah, ok. It does that. But it does so at a price, IME,IMO, YMMV, etc.