LaScala dac with telefunken tubes

I was browsing the discussions the other evening and I came across a gentleman raving about this dac. I would like to here more about this dac? You don’t see many on market place ,and what do they cost ,Used? Thanks

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Showing 2 responses by terry9

Not all TF tubes sound the same. I have a TF E88CC early 1960's, which sounds positively shrill - but I also have 5 E88CC TF tubes selected for HP, also early 60's, and they are far the best 6922 tubes I have ever heard. 

Although, for all I know, that E88CC may be a clever counterfeit.

@designsfx I used to - but now I'm too old. Andy's tube services was good, but the very best came and went on Ebay about 25 years ago.