Lars Kristensen and Michael Børresen leaving Raidho ...

Not sure if this has been commented on already but it looks like two lead players in Raidho are moving on to be full time with Aavik & Ansuz.

Any thoughts?

On 2nd July 2017 Lars posted the following on his Facebook page...

Time has been running fast. It is now 15 years ago Michael Børresen and I started Raidho Acoustics.
We have been designing, manufacturing, marketing, developing, selling until the end of last month Raidho speakers. What a lovely time and what a fantastic trip. Of cause it is very sad to leave our babies behind us.

But when that said, we now will use our whole time to do the same job for our 2 new babies, Ansuz Acoustics and Aavik Acoustics ,which both have been growing a lot in the last few years.

Hope that our distributors, dealers and consumers and friends will be around us.

Kind regards
Lars and Michael



Showing 1 response by contuzzi

Lars is hands down the best speaker demo person (host?  It’s early and I haven’t had coffee yet) in the industry. Raidho rooms at audio shows will never be the same. In fact, Lars is part of the reason I have such respect for Raidho speakers. Such incredible passion for sound and more importantly music. Same thing goes for Gamut.