Large mid/bass, soft-dome tweeter, high(ish) sensitivity

Hi everyone,


I’m looking for speakers with the above characteristics. By "large" mid/bass, I mean at least 8 inches, though less than 15. I mostly listen at low volumes, below 70db, so I want something that can come on song with ease, hence the larger driver and higher sensitivity. My room is also pretty reflective, with the rear wall almost entirely windows, so I’m looking for something with a forgiving treble response. I should also add that I'd prefer to keep the price ~$2000.


Wharfedale Linton seems to check most of these boxes, but I’m wondering if there’s something else out there that I’m missing. Let me know!




The Fritz speakers use around 7" Scanspeak woofers but they have excellent low frequency performance.  Highly recommended.

Please take this advice with a grain of salt. But I’ve heard the Lintons a couple of times. My impression was that my Vandersteen 1ci’s did everything the Lintons did but better. But those are two good speakers to put on your audition list.

I should add that I heard these speakers in two separate rooms with different gear driving both. I believe they were using the Rogue Pharoah to drive the Lintons. They were very pleasant sounding.


Vandersteen and Linton I would both consider warmish. Amazing mid-range, polite slightly rolled off highs. I think my Vandy 1ci's put out satisfying bass to where I don't need a sub. What are your room dimensions?

I had the Linton's, but unfortunately I returned them because the highs were too rolled of for my liking... I was in love with the cabinets on them though... Beautiful looking speakers with their stands!