Laptop vs music server when streaming over WIFI

It is widely agreed that PC’s and laptops are sub-optimal sources. They have noisy power supplies, heavy OS’s running tons of background processes, and poorly implemented USB modules. A PC or laptop can spit out tons of EMI that can pollute the rest of the audio chain when connected directly to a DAC.
However, streaming over WIFI galvanically isolates the computer from the rest of the chain. So, would there be a perceived difference in sound quality in the following scenarios?

A) Laptop streaming over WIFI to network streamer
B) Music server streaming over WIFI to network streamer

Showing 1 response by ljgerens

I could not detect any audible differences streaming via WiFi between a Mac Mini running headless and several dedicated music servers. I disabled all non-essential functions on the Mac Mini. I have been streaming via WiFi for over 11 years, initially with a MacBook Pro and for the last 3 years with a Mac Mini, and never had a dropout or any other issue. It has been flawless.