Lampizator evolution

3-4 years  ago, Lampizator DACs were all the rage and consumed a lot of space on this forum. Not so much today. What has happened?
The company now offers the Amber II model for just under $2;000. Did this DAC benefit from trickle down technology and become a great sounding, reasonably priced DAC?  Have any Lampi owners compared its sound to the earlier generations of Lampizator? Is the Amber II a no-brained purchase for someone (like me) wanting a killer DAC at a very reasonable price?

Showing 10 responses by tomic601

server should never have been named that.....any stubborn JA name would have done..imo

power cords...thought you were looking for those.....Isotek sold but i still have a beast of a MIT on blowout.......

you did pretty good getting the Aurender that fast...must be great can and bottle collecting near you.....$$$$$

i missed the server ? but i use a NAIM Uniti-Serve with a Pardo LPS and very importantly HRS Nimbus feet and a damping brick...

the NAIM rips to .wav, magic..

i rolled the Lampi to brother as the DAC in the NAIM Atom is proving quite musical in a very WAF friendly package....

PM me and I can help you with Isotek cord or an MIT , bottlecaps accepted in trade....


good on ya, was hoping you would appreciate the musicality of that DAC
......i use an Isotek cord..something like $299 at retail on mine, synergy good......

thanks for the update Rockyboy
was wondering if you got it
sense of ease and organic character are what struck me .....
glad you are enjoying it.....
but carting a dac 1,000 miles between systems just seems like a PITA
and the crux of the problem is system #1 is a killer, so #2 has to sound good, hence the Lampizator

just order a new one

it is an Amber II with tube rectification....lucked out getting it used at a very good price from TMR ( The Music Room ) right here on Audiogon

I did not buy it to replace the Pandora which I have owned some 7 years now including sending it back to factory for the upgrade, i will most like eventually have them also do the Eclipse modification.

bought it for a 2 nd system
i have an Atlantic II
gives my $8k Aesthetix Pandora SIG a decent go
for $2k
a steal IMO