Lampizator evolution

3-4 years  ago, Lampizator DACs were all the rage and consumed a lot of space on this forum. Not so much today. What has happened?
The company now offers the Amber II model for just under $2;000. Did this DAC benefit from trickle down technology and become a great sounding, reasonably priced DAC?  Have any Lampi owners compared its sound to the earlier generations of Lampizator? Is the Amber II a no-brained purchase for someone (like me) wanting a killer DAC at a very reasonable price?

Showing 9 responses by thankful

The size the size I purchased was 3.15 amp 250v Slow Blow 5 x 20mm.  I recommend confirming with Fred.  
I own the Lampizator Amber II.  It is tubed rectified and also has the super clocks installed.  It is gorgeous sounding and is "far better - different league" than the PS Audio MKII, Auralic Vega and Exogal Comet with external power supply I have owned.  I believe it replaced the Lampizator 4 and Lampizator 5 models.  I have audio friends who own much more expensive DACs from well known high end companies and it does not take a back seat.  As mentioned above no one DAC will please every one. 


The tube rectification and super clocks are add-ons.  When I first purchased the Lampizator I only ordered the tube rectification (based on Fred's recommendation).  Fred also recommended the super clocks but at the time I was not able to afford them.  I recently just had the super clocks installed and I am glad I did.  The Amber II is very musical which is my number one objective with components.  In regards to jitter I believe that is the goal of the clocks...

I have been getting better bass, a little more information, more control and clarity (fidelity).  I would do it.  The Amber II with the tube rectification and super clocks allows this DAC to compete with much higher costing DACS.  As I stated previously I have friends who own much higher costing DACS from big name manufacturers and my Amber II is just as good.  

My goal down the road is to get into an Atlantic SE or better.  I love the Lampizator's because of their musicality.  I have owned nice DACs but none of them match the musicality of the Lampi's.  

I am using the Synergistic Research BLUE fuse. The BLUE is new and still burning in some but there is a noticeable increase in presence and voices lock in and sound stunning.

I am using an Audio Arts power cord. 

I will do a double check on the fuse size and get back to you this evening.  Fred also told me he wasn't real crazy about Synergistic Research fuses in the Lampi gear but after talking to the folks at the Cable Company I decided to try the BLUE.  They told me it was something much better than anything SR had produced before.  So far I really like it.  I think a lot of this will be system dependent.  I am using an integrated tube amp to mate with the Amber II and I didn't want to get too soupy sounding.  I wanted a mix of the beautiful tube magic but yet with the detail, solid lower end, presence and great vocals.  As of today I feel like I am getting these attributes.  

Depending on your system I would consider the Audio Magic Beeswax fuse. 
As stated earlier I purchased the SR BLUE.  Amazing!  You have to make sure it is in correctly because they are directional.  I thought I had it in properly but after listening for a while I decided to try the other direction.  All I can say is WOW, fabulous sounding.  Give the Amber II some hours and it just sounds flat gorgeous.  
I am using the Auralic Aries "with" the Uptone Audio Iso Regen.   I connect a stand alone hard-drive to the Aries.  Sounds amazing!!!  Blows away Mac Book Pro with JRiver.....  

Note:  "In my system", without the Iso Regen connected to the Aries I would not keep the Auralic Aries.  I still have plans to try an Aurender or Melco down the road.  
I am using the Lush USB cable as well.  Like it very much.  I tried various usb cables from the Cable Company and the Lush was more musical.   I have the High Fidelity Hemisphere conditioner.  Love the sound of my system, it is what I have been working to get for 15 years.  I still have a few tweaks but no major changes on the horizon.