Lampizator evolution

3-4 years  ago, Lampizator DACs were all the rage and consumed a lot of space on this forum. Not so much today. What has happened?
The company now offers the Amber II model for just under $2;000. Did this DAC benefit from trickle down technology and become a great sounding, reasonably priced DAC?  Have any Lampi owners compared its sound to the earlier generations of Lampizator? Is the Amber II a no-brained purchase for someone (like me) wanting a killer DAC at a very reasonable price?

Showing 1 response by gregfisk

I'm currently using a Lampi Atlantic Plus with tube rectification, super clocks and volume control. Very musical and the best dac I have heard to date. The best part is I don't need to spend money on a pre amp which is a real bonus to me. I haven't heard any other Lampi dacs so I don't know how much difference there is in sound quality other than what Fred has said. rockyboy, glad you are enjoying your Amber II? It seems like a sweet spot for the Lampi family to me. 
