Lamm preamp. fullness / bass at low volume?

Today I have an Audio note m5 preamp for my Lamm M1.1. which I am actually very happy with. But want to switch to lamm preamp for synergy. today I have a very good / clear bass already at a very low volume. is this something I can expect with a lamm preamp as well? I am considering buying an LL1 / LL1.1 PREAMP.

thanks in advance. 
thanks for the reply. I'm definitely not worried about the synergy. I am most worried about how the bass is at low volume. :) if you need to increase the volume "a bit" for the bass to wake up / be full / clear or it is good already at low volume.
it is very common if not almost a rule that you need to turn up the volume a lot for the bass to come to life. and I absolutely do not want that.
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Lamm preamplifiers are exceptional and you'll enjoy the synergy with your M1.1.

disclaimer: I'm a Lamm dealer.